This is your knockback. Surrender is used at this point because the tanks AoE Taunt will likely be wearing off soon, so this is when you will cause your threat drop to reduce your threat by the greatest amount. How mana do you need? There are very few disciplines that match Sharpshooters level DPS debuff independence. We respect your privacy. Also assuming i did somehow magically cheat a chimera pistol onto my ps4, im not sure this would make the build any more successful. (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Instant)Depending on your ability tree build, you may need to use this ability during the gap in your rotation sometimes when Cool Head is unavailable in order to keep your Energy at a safe level. Feel free to create a build using our template generator below. You can use whichever feels more comfortable to you. Due to the Trickshot ability and how all the different procs and damage boosts interact, it doesnt really help to just use all your abilities on cooldown. When Below the Belt is used, you get a proc that enables Quickdraw to be used against any target regardless of remaining health and makes that use of Quickdraw deal 15% more damage. This means that the cover bar isnt really useful anymore, so feel free to turn it off in the settings (User Interface > General > uncheck Enable Cover Bar). An AoE abilitys place in the priority is as high as it can be until it reaches a single-target ability that deals more damage than the AoE will deal to all enemies in the GCD. Con: Essential on any adventurer. This ability resets the cooldowns of all the abilities I have mentioned in this section thus far plus Pulse Detonator. Trickshot has 2 procs that are relevant to your rotation: Recoil ControlFiring Charged Burst twice in a row, firing Quickdraw or Aimed Shot once, or completing a Penetrating Rounds channel now finishes the cooldown on Trickshot. Agility boosts your AP, and it boosts it quickly. Here are the Legendary Items you should use as a Sharpshooter Gunslinger. Arcane Gunslinger gone Rogue is a Character Build in Outward, created by NuclearEeg. If you want me to try other builds don't be shy to comment or dm me. You wont be using this too often anymore in group content. Stay DownDealing damage with Aimed Shot to a target with less than 30% health grants Stay Down, increasing the damage of your next Quickdraw by 20%. The best time to activate this is right before you cast the Aimed Shot before Burst Volley that will be followed by Penetrating Rounds x2 thanks to Burst Volley so your Illegal Mods rotation will look like: The accuracy increase is not applicable in PvE because bosses dont have additional defense chance like that. It is essential that it is channeled on cooldown. Reset Engagement also causes the final tick of Penetrating Rounds to knock back its target if they are within 10m of you. This advanced class passive is responsible for giving Gunslingers their 35m range on damaging abilities and 30m range on CC, as well as giving them one of their DPS debuffs (the individual specs only provide 1 debuff as opposed to 2). While it seems pretty identical to Sorcerer / Sage Phase Walk on the surface, there are several key differences: Luckily, the ability is still off the GCD, even though it has a castbar, so you can still use it while the GCD is active for another ability. If you want to go the extra mile, you can try to activate it 15-ish seconds before you begin pre-casting before a pull so you will just barely have enough time left on the proc for when you cast Aimed Shot, but I really dont think its worth it because if you mess up, you end up having to wait and the most youll get is maybe an extra use at the very end of the fight. Either pick a different option when it can happen (and your raid lead may ask you to stop taking it if it continues to be a problem) or make sure that youre greater than 10m away from those enemies, which isnt always possible. This ability is both a defensive cooldown and movement ability. You can also swap out the Improved Targeting Implant, Ballistic Redistribution, and Relic of Serendipitous Assault for the Energy Regulator Implant, Lucky Thoughts, and Relic of Devastating Vengeance (dont forget to fix your Alacrity). This means your average AoE RDT is only 20% compared to most other disciplines which have 100% uptime on 30% AoE RDT. The 15% increased armor penetration for 10 seconds is only equivalent to a 5.25% damage increase for your weapon attacks (so everything but Vital Shot and Bombing Run). Tell them you have it available for them to ask for. Which ability do I use right now that will provide me the most DPS? In PvP, you are limited by the "Book of Coordination" which grants you a total of 340 skill points to distribute between your skills. It has a relatively steep learning curve through its three weapon cycle but in return, rewards with a high-value party utility and high personal damage. Sharpshooter permanently lost access to 3 abilities: Some abilities and effects have been renamed since different Origin Stories now have access to the Combat Style. If you arent in cover, you will run out of Energy. This forces you to read through what everything does so that you can understand what all of your passives and abilities do as well as locate these abilities in-game. Unfortunately, this experience doesnt translate as well to group content where Sharpshooter is not in a great spot. Since Vital Shot has to be applied and Burst Volley was activated, the gap in your rotation has already been used and then some, so Aimed Shot will likely be coming off cooldown partway through your Charged Burst x2 grouping, which is fine. This is why theres always so much emphasis on the AoE RDT buffs and part of why Gunslingers should generally have very low DTPS. The act of teleporting with Hideout breaks your channel after teleporting, even if youre still in range while Phase Walk does not break your channels (provided youre still in range). It will need to grant either Accuracy (Initiative, yellow icon) or Alacrity (Quick Savant / Nimble, green icon), depending on your mix of augments. You will probably still see Aimed Shot get delayed slightly and this is fine. I will not be writing out ability descriptions and I will only be transcribing the components of discipline passives that directly relate to the ability and rotation. This build offers slightly a few hundred less sustained DPS compared to the High Energy Efficiency build, but its a lot more flexible. Its easily one of the strongest spammable AoE abilities in the entire game. I did not observe a significant DPS difference from this approach. The Gunslinger is a Striker, plain and simple. You should be able to spam Sweeping Gunfire to your hearts content and deal extra splash damage with Aimed Shot. Build Essentials: Sharp Shot Energy Barrels Ballistic Redistribution Efficient Ammo Locked and Loaded Legendary Improved Targeting Legendary Refraction Point Tactical Item. Outward Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You should practice on the dummy if youre not able to consistently execute the rotation correctly. The Gunslinger Build offers you a variety of benefits that make it one of the best builds in Lost Ark. Unless its clear that one of your other movement speed boosts is better like if you have already placed Hideout or youre out of range of the boss, this should be your default movement speed boost ability since its the most versatile. Please note that properly timing subsequent Smugglers Lucks can result in a slightly shorter cooldown duration. Operatives are in a similar situation where they lost Surrender, but have access to a passive that gives effects they lost to Dodge. Gunslinger - Chaos Dungeon/Cube Build . The increased duration of Hunker Down results in slightly higher uptime, but the animation still ends after 20 seconds even though the buff sticks around for the correct duration. (Tech/Kinetic/Direct/AoE/Instant)If youre unable to take Hot Pursuit, Thermal Grenade is a great option to use while moving, though it does cost 20 Energy, so only use it if you can afford it. As per usual, if you found this video useful please leave a like, comment, or subscribe. It's considered to be one of the hardest classes to play, due to having to shuffle around your weapons, but it is also one of the most rewarding when played correctly. Support Vulkk with a monthly Patreon pledge, Best Sharpshooter Gunslinger Builds in 7.0, which mods to purchase from Hyde and Zeek in SWTOR. Youre able to use it immediately after every single Penetrating Rounds, Aimed Shot, or Quickdraw, or after 2 Charged Bursts in a row. Please note that for Gunslingers, Thermal Grenade only deals AoE damage to Standard and Weak enemies, which you usually dont see at all in raids. This build can kill groups of trash quicker in solo content, but you miss out on feeling like a Gunslinger. The Build Essentials are what I consider to be the core components that make the build viable. If the tanks or other players are able to keep aggro, take Flourish Burst instead. The only difference is to always use Penetrating Rounds and its Trickshot on cooldown. Just keep adding one augment at a time until you reach the desired percentage. Almost everyone should buy the blue 276 augments because they provide the greatest bang for the buck. Definitely still try to use it and be as preemptive as possible, but this ability really only works when you can predict when and where AoE will be needed well in advance, so this ability is better suited to fights with constant adds. This is your interrupt. The true advantage of this build is its Energy efficiency, which enables you to not have to worry about using Cool Head at all as well as be able to spam Sweeping Gunfire to your hearts content, making it a great option for fights with a light amount of AoE. It would also work as an alternative to stunning one of the Chained Manifestations on Styrak NiM. Advanced EvisceratingCrystals are still the best because +41 stat is a more significant upgrade for critical rating since your overall stat pool for tertiary stats is much smaller than it is for the alternative stat increases from crystals, which increase primary and secondary stats including mastery, endurance, and power. This can happen whenever you have 2 charges of Smugglers Luck, which will always be the case during your opener. The only reason I can see is that its a debuff that gets used by all 3 specs. Right now, Sharpshooter is one of the best and most authentic specs in the game for solo content. With a bit of optimization the Gunslinger is easy to play and produces a reliable stream of damage against nearly any enemy. You wont get the full damage of your DoTs but you also wont have to spend a GCD to apply them when the boss is vulnerable, so you will end up dealing more damage. As a movement ability, Hightail It does help you cover a fair bit of distance, but it does cost a GCD to use, so it is best used when youre out of range of the boss so you couldnt deal damage anyway or after your other movement abilities have been used. Hunker Down now directly provides the 60% AoE RDT (reduced damage taken); there is no utility point required. If there is downtime during a fight, remember that you can precast things and often place your DoTs on shortly before the boss can actually take damage. Its important to get as much damage as possible while all of your damage boosts are available to maximize their impact. This is your hard stun, meaning it does not break on damage. Gunslinger - 3v3 Deathmatch Build. Only Iron Scraps and mana. Welcome to my 7.0 guide for Sharpshooter Gunslinger! It used to be Sharpshooters most damaging ability, but thanks to the Agitating Energies tactical and Penetrating Blast ability tree choices, it has some competition when it comes to sustained DPS. Its cooldown wont begin recharging until the cooldown on the first activation completes. Since the mitigation is so short, it can be fairly difficult to time, so you may need to practice it a little bit, and dont be afraid to completely stop DPSing for a moment if theres something that will kill you if you dont do the cheese correctly. If you want to see it in action, just try to do your rotation on enemies out of cover. Thanks to the Agitating Energies tactical, this ability accounts for a gigantic proportion of your total damage output. This ability technically does not do any AoE damage, but it will only ever be used in AoE situations so I am going to talk about it here. Much like what has to happen with Burst Volley, you can leverage the existence of the gap to not delay your high priority abilities by using a non-rotational ability earlier than you would observe the gap. How to change Vs appearance in Cyberpunk 2077, How to change your Outfit in Cyberpunk 2077: Wardrobe Feature Guide, All Locations from Edgerunners in Cyberpunk 2077, How to start The Forgotten Saga in AC Valhalla and go to Niflheim. Stringing together attacks with the relatively low AP cost of pistol shots is the best way to deal maximum damage. This will be fixed the next time you use Burst Volley though. Browse through Cube, Chaos, Leveling and Raid builds to find the one that fits your unique playstyle. Str: Dump. Be sure to pay attention when something is stunnable though, because that often means youre intended to stun it. Most notably, Sharpshooter is the only ranged spec that offers the armor debuff, so if your group needs ranged DPS and lacks the armor debuff, the group DPS gain from the armor debuff can be enough to compensate for the reduced output from Sharpshooter itself. The Relic of Serendipitous Assault is generically good, but the Relic of Devastating Vengeance is better specifically for the Burst and Versatility Build. So you can expect damage of many thousands at the end of the game 3 targets: Quickdraw and Aimed Shot without Smugglers Luck groupings, 5 targets: Aimed Shot with Smugglers Luck and Penetrating Rounds w/ Agitating Energies tactical groupings. Rotations are usually pretty consistent, though there can be some decision-making for a few GCDs. There isnt much of a discernable DPS difference between the two approaches and if youd rather not have to worry about this sort of thing at all, its okay to just never use Trickshot if its procced by Quickdraw. This benefit comes up occasionally in PvE, usually during DPS checks, though it isnt nearly as useful as it is in PvP. The 3 abilities are almost always the same for each discipline. The key to being a great DPS is to always be DPSing. Due to all this and the fact that the cast fits in the gap in your rotation, you dont have to worry about this taking priority over your other abilities. Build Essentials can include important ability tree . The Adrenal should always be paired with 2 charges of Smugglers Luck and a double Penetrating Rounds Burst Volley. The best time to activate your Adrenal is right before casting Aimed Shot, since this will allow you to cast it twice while the Adrenal is active alongside. The second relic depends on which build youre using. Check out the SWTOR Damage Types and Damage Mitigation guide. Note: You can also utilize the Energy Regulator implant in exchange for Locked and Loaded, allowing you to give up the Energy Barrels ability tree buff, without losing DPS, but you dont gain any DPS on the dummy while Locked and Loaded is more generically useful. Another of the abilities is the movement ability with the longest cooldown. Thankfully, we dont have to bother with carrying around a second set of relics anymore because all endgame content is being balanced for level 80. Use Cool as soon as it's available out of combat and load a Frost Bullet, as it will remain until you fire it. Death . It really doesnt matter when exactly Burst Volley gets used in relation to Trickshot and the next Penetrating Rounds, though it will probably help your sanity if you keep things consistent. AoE damage is considered fluff if the adds do not need to die immediately or if you are otherwise shirking your main responsibilities to deal more damage than necessary to adds. It deals nearly identical damage to Flurry of Bolts, has a 35m range, and the actual root lasts for a fair bit of time, so I could see it getting some use in the same sort of situation that you might use a slow or a stun on a Melee add. Instead, there is a new system called the Ability Tree. In addition, since your Burst Volley utility resets the cooldown on Penetrating Rounds, you end up getting to use it back to back, resulting in even more Vital Shot ticks. Here are some times when its generally a good idea to use Scrambling Field: Dont save it for a rainy day because today is that rainy day! (Ranged/Energy/Direct/Single-Target/Instant)This ability is only usable on targets that have less than 30% of their max health, but it still hits pretty hard, much harder than Charged Burst or Trickshot. The buff lasts 20 seconds, but only affects the very next use of a single ability, and that specific ability has a cooldown that is less than 20 seconds. Burst Volley also finishes the cooldown on Penetrating Rounds when it is activated and there are two ways you can utilize this. Character Builds/All - Official Outward Wiki 3,274 navigation Outward Gamepedia in: Pages with broken file links Character Builds/All < Character Builds Edit Builds are listed automatically. The only time that timing is irrelevant is when you already have a charge on cooldown. Unfortunately, you cant really use this rotationally, so unless theres a phase where the entire group is only AoEing, its best to hold off on using it and see if other classes rotational AoE and DoT spread can take care of it or switch to Dirty Fighting or Saboteur if you know them so that you can do rotational AoE. Healers are also a lot more focused on the raid frame than you will be as a DPS, so they are far better equipped to know when it will be useful for the raid than you will. In addition, when you enter cover after using Hightail It, you gain Hunker Down for the first 3 seconds. This ability will get different amounts of usage depending on which build youre using, though in general, you want to use it when you find yourself around 45-50% Energy. Unless theres very significant downtime, this will only need to be built up at the start of the fight and then youll have it. When you do Burst Volley > Penetrating Rounds > Trickshot, you can treat it as if the gap just doesnt appear; if that makes more sense. Yet they also have the ability to become Rambo, if you want a siege type gunslinger you should probably do dexterity and vitality . Gunslingers have a slightly shorter cooldown duration on their hard stun than most other classes. Sharpshooter specifically also has 1 discipline passive that affects Hunker Down: Stay LowIncreases the duration of Hunker Down by 3 seconds. This Energy regeneration is essential to you being able to do your rotation. Remember to pre-cast even if you dont have the Charged Aim proc from Charged Burst. If its Melee/Ranged damage, this will be the only DCD youll need because this will always mitigate all of the damage you take (provided you arent stunned). Also good to use against Bosses, as it inflicts Pain and Chill to improve all your outgoing damage and setup Opportunist Stab without the need of your pistol. This post will cover the best Gunslinger build in Cyberpunk 2077. If a tank is telling you to stop DPS or hold off for a few seconds because they cant keep aggro, dont listen to them, theyre the one that doesnt know the proper way to keep aggro. You should be attempting to mitigate as much damage as possible by using your DCDs against predictable damage. Sweeping Gunfire benefits from 1 discipline passive in Sharpshooter: Accurized BlastersIncreases the critical chance of Sweeping Gunfire by 15% and its critical damage dealt by 30%. If you dont want to bother with extra relics, just always use the Relic of Serendipitous Assault. Youll probably need a lot more accuracy and alacrity augments to reach the associated stat thresholds. I am recommending the Advanced Kyrprax Proficient Stim, Advanced Kyrprax Medpac, and Advanced Kyrprax Attack Adrenal. You will slightly delay Aimed Shot and Penetrating Rounds if you do this, but youd only miss out on a single use of each of those abilities if you were using Bombing Run on cooldown in a fight that lasts over 15 minutes. A long time ago, they could cleanse with Dodge, just like Operatives can. The typical rotation will look like this: Sometimes you have Burst Volley available, so the first cycle will look like this: Gap Priority(not applicable with Relentless Shots). The existence of the gap helps to cover for a lot of things that occur in an actual raiding environment, but not on a dummy, like needing to spend a GCD to roll, activate Diversion, hard stun, etc., so you might end up performing better in a lot of fights, particularly ones with a lot of mechanics, by using this build instead of the Sustained DPS build. weidian link converter, rice salad recipe delia smith, Players are able to gunslinger build outward execute the rotation correctly only time that timing is irrelevant when! Its Trickshot on cooldown meaning it does not break on damage also has 1 discipline that... A build using our template generator below ability with the relatively low AP of... Trickshot on cooldown, or subscribe stunnable though, because that often means youre intended to it. 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